Front end development that adheres to Core Web Vit...

[ad_1] Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that allow you to determine how fast, visually stable and responsive your site is. The front-end takes the bulk of the responsibility to make sure that your website is scoring highly in each of these metrics, so in this blog post I will outline what we

Financial Impact of an Outage

[ad_1] In October 2021, the world’s largest social media platform suffered a massive worldwide outage affecting billions of customers. Facebook has a monthly active user base of 2.8 billion users, which increases to 3.5 billion when you include its subsidiaries such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. The platform succumbed to a “Gigalapse,” which happens when

5 websites that have experienced downtime in 2022

[ad_1] There’s a common myth that you may have heard – “only small companies’ websites go down”. This is a classic, especially since it couldn’t be more wrong. Thousands of websites go down, regardless of their size (or the size of their IT team for that), and even Google can, and has, suddenly experienced the

What you need to know about Google Analytics 3 and...

[ad_1] Google recently announced that the current Google Analytics 3 (Universal Analytics) will come to an end in July 2023 (now extended until October 2023) and they’ve encouraged all current users to start using the new GA4. Google Analytics 4 is the new version of the current GA reporting portal that current users have used

How Status Pages can help you build better relatio...

[ad_1] Uptime monitoring. You keep hearing us talking about it and you know why it’s important, hey, you might even have a Scopify account. But do you know what to do if you do experience website downtime?  Let’s do a little quiz.  Your website has suffered two hours of downtime. Do you: Pretend it didn’t