6 Tips for Improving Drupal Performance

[ad_1] Providing a top digital user experience is critical if you want to grow the number of visitors and keep them engaged. Anything you can do to improve your Drupal website will have an impact on your business and ultimately revenue. Luckily, there’s much you can do to optimize your Drupal website, including implementing a

How Web Application Monitoring Is Changing

[ad_1] By Patrick Hubbard, SolarWinds Head Geek The Web Performance Monitoring Do-Over I’m at an interesting point in my career. I’ve ridden all the rides and managed all the technology things like most ops engineers with some miles. Eventually, you realize—with a few notable exceptions—IT technology is a cycle in which enterprises reimplement the same

The Expensive History of APM

[ad_1] By Patrick Hubbard, SolarWinds Head Geek When done well, application performance monitoring (APM) is a magical and irreplaceable tool. However, over the years, enterprises have sometimes paid dearly to implement it. APM’s task seems simple enough—replace emotional user anecdotes about application performance with quantifiable, actionable data. But the devil can certainly be in the

Page Load Time vs. Response Time – What Is the D...

[ad_1] Page load time and response time are key metrics to monitor, and they can give you an in-depth understanding of how your website is performing. However, the difference between page load time and response time isn’t immediately obvious, and neither are the benefits of tracking them independently. In this article, we define page load

Web Application Monitoring During a Crisis

[ad_1] By Leigh Brown In February, we wrote about how major live sporting events in March will impact online ordering and food delivery. We discussed the associated importance of monitoring your web app to ensure a smooth end-user experience and to troubleshoot issues like downtime, slow load times, and broken transaction flows. But unless you’ve

How to Effectively Monitor User Activity

[ad_1] Monitoring user activity on your website is a must if you want to run a successful and profitable online business. By implementing real user monitoring on your website, you can get an in-depth understanding of how your users are interacting with your website and the experience they receive. In this article, we discuss what

Best Practices for Effective Website Transaction A...

[ad_1] Having their websites constantly perform at their optimal capacity should be the aim of all businesses and website owners. When websites go down, load slowly, or underperform, the user experience suffers. This can result in low sales and conversions. So what can you do to ensure your website remains fully functional? In this article,

How to Analyze Website Speed Test Results

[ad_1] The SolarWinds® Scopify® Website Speed Test is one of our most popular tools. It helps countless users understand how their websites are performing and what they can do to improve their site speed. The Website Speed Test can test websites from locations around the globe, and it produces many key results to give you

3 Best Practices for Testing Your Website’s Perf...

[ad_1] For a website to succeed in 2020, it’s not enough for your content to be engaging. As we all spend more time online, we want websites to be fast and the experience to be seamless. Those that don’t will lose out on customers even if their content is top-notch. Cutting down on your website’s

Web Transaction Monitoring Made Easy

[ad_1] Providing a Seamless Digital Experience Customer engagement with your company’s site and applications is critical to your business. That’s why the performance of those transactions is equally important. Customers need to be able to log in to your application. Prospects need to download your newest whitepaper. Site visitors need to register for your latest