Let’s Encrypt’s Certificate Expiry Exp...

[ad_1] You might have seen the name “Let’s Encrypt” across the internet for the past week and it’s no surprise why that is. As one of the most-used and well-known HTTPS certificate providers (having issued billions since its inception), it’s almost unheard of that a company of such would allow its root certificate to expire.

In-Depth Guide to Digital Experience Monitoring

[ad_1] How a software product feels is easy to overlook, but how the product works matters just as much, if not more. Results from digital experience monitoring point to how apps feel as the key determinant of their success. “That’s how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.”

9 common website error codes & what they actu...

[ad_1] We’ve all been there. when you visit a website and you get hit with a three-digit number SMACK in the face. For most, those 3 little numbers mean very little, but it’s definitely worth knowing the most common error codes so you can at least know if your favourite website is down forever, or

website statistics
Website Load Time in 2021: How Fast Is Fast Enough...

[ad_1] Today, in the fast-paced digital world, it’s crucial for organizations to develop websites that provide a seamless web experience to the users. Companies are investing in tools and infrastructure to ensure their site’s performance is monitored constantly and optimized in real time. Loading time is one of the critical components with an impact on

Google’s Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID & CLS ex...

[ad_1] You may or may not have heard of Google Core Web Vitals, but the importance of getting them right for your website is like Everest for website owners right now. So what are the Core Web Vitals and what should you do to make sure my website meets them?  Google Core Web Vitals consist

Monitoring a RESTful API on a Headless CMS Using S...

[ad_1] There are plenty of ways to gain insights on website availability and performance, from setting up complex monitoring agents to browsing through real-time logs. Few services are as straightforward and robust as SolarWinds®Scopify®. Scopify lets you set up checks for your website including uptime, page speed, and user interactions. It then collates the results

Top 10 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Developer...

[ad_1] If you are reading this, you are probably a Web Developer and, on that assumption, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’ve heard about Visual Studio Code by now, you may even be currently using it for your development work.  Here is a list of 10 must-have Visual Studio Code

How Website Monitoring Can Help Improve the End-Us...

[ad_1] Making your customers happy is essential in any industry, but it’s imperative for online businesses because the competition is only a few clicks away. If you want your customers to be satisfied, providing them a great user experience is essential. This is easier said than done, however. There are many approaches for organizations wanting

What is Amazon mesh & how will it change thin...

[ad_1] Amazon is rarely out of the news, and the recent news has focused on how valuable the company is, the large market cap and Jeff Bezos stepping down as CEO last month to be replaced by Andy Jassy. This time, however, the big news is Amazon mesh, a network to connect users and their

End-User Monitoring: Best Practices and Tools

[ad_1] Poor application performance, besides being a sign of potential problems, is a strong predictor of unhappy users—and unhappy users are likely to become former customers. So software organizations are always searching for ways to improve the performance of their applications. One of the most effective of such ways to improve performance is obtaining visibility