Why is website monitoring so important?

[ad_1] Have you found yourself asking this question when seeing website monitoring solutions flash up on Google? Has your dev team been trying to convince you to get a monitoring tool but you’re not sure what the benefits are? Don’t worry, I’ve compiled a list of the top reasons why website monitoring is so important

The best maintenance pages for website downtime th...

[ad_1] You might think that a customer seeing a maintenance page message when they land on your website is a bad thing but think again. If you’re clever with your branding, you can really show off your personality, and make website visitors feel better about not being able to access your website. Never thought that

Why You Should Monitor Your E-Commerce and How to ...

[ad_1] According to research by the SolarWinds® Scopify® team, retail and e-commerce sites have plenty of room for improvement, as the global market generated revenues up to US$4.921 trillion in 2021. As more people look to the internet to make purchasing more convenient, online sales will become even more critical to businesses. What does this

Using ASP.NET Core to create a CRUD WebAPI

[ad_1] Overview In this blog post we are going to cover writing a bare-bones API in ASP.NET that can read, write, and delete data from a test database. Setup Since we’re going to be performing database operations, we’ll need some database software. I’ve already gone ahead and installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and created

Creating a D&D character in Python

[ad_1] Overview I have a bit of a confession to make, I’ve never really bothered to learn Python. The last time I briefly used it, Python 3 had just been released and was being ignored by almost everyone due to all to breaking changes people had porting over to it from Python 2. This is