How to Measure Uptime SLOs Using Scopify and Nobl9

[ad_1] Do you find yourself asking, “What should our first service-level objective (SLO)be?” The simplest way to get started if you have a website is to measure uptime SLOs. The SLO will measure your uptime and how your site compares to your reliability goals. By following the steps outlined here, you can get up and running

Prevent Your Websites From Being Impacted

[ad_1] By: Rachel Frnka December 7 started as a typical, but busy, pre-holiday weekday. This included a mix of booming online retail sales ($33.9 billion spent during cyber week), packages flooding delivery services, and high online traffic. But much of that quickly came to a crawl. An outage of the AWS us-east-1 cloud region changed

DevOps Explained – Scopify

[ad_1] What is DevOps? If you’re in the software development space, or just started a career in software development you’ve probably heard people talking about DevOps. Studies show that 74% of companies have implemented DevOps in some fashion, but what is it exactly? First described by Patrick Debois in 2007 (Patrick being commonly known as

Travel Sites Page Size vs Load Time
Web Performance of the World’s Top 50 Travel...

[ad_1] By Rachel Frnka 2021 holiday travel has been a rebound for the industry. Just this week, I was attempting to purchase flights for a long weekend before travel picks up for the holidays. However, after a failed attempt to sign up for their Executive Club and enduring slow page loads after every click, I

How to Improve Your Target Audience Reach –

[ad_1] In the first post of this two-part series, we talked about the need to fully understand how users experience your website. Without understanding how your end users interact with your site’s pages—what’s working for them and what’s not—you’d be optimizing on a hunch without solid data to guide you. To address this, we saw