Using SLOs to Increase Software Reliability

[ad_1] By: Sanjana Gagrani The partnership between Nobl9 and SolarWinds® Scopify® is the bridge between business and technology everyone’s been waiting for. What Is Nobl9? Nobl9 is a software reliability platform that works with DevOps practitioners, reliability engineers, and now SolarWinds to make you feel more confident in the dependability of your products. By using

AWS US-EAST-1 Outage… Again – Scopify

[ad_1] AWS is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing program built to provide IT infrastructure for businesses, and the program has an active user base of roughly 1,000,000 customers. With the massive responsibility of providing services for such a large customer base, it’s important for their services to be reliable and trustworthy. Unfortunately, we recently saw